


Brand Identity | UX/UI

A non-profit pet consultancy business, who aims to help first time pet owners find dogs, who fit their individual lifestyle and needs.

Consultancy Booth

The Challenge

Many individuals underestimate the responsibility that comes with acquiring a pet for the first time. Regrettably, aesthetics and trends frequently overshadow considerations of temperament and lifestyle, resulting in unsustainable relationships between owners and pets.

The objective for Argos was to educate the public and establish effective methods for appropriately pairing owners with dogs.

Informational pamphlet

My project began as a continuation of an essay I penned during my first year at university, exploring the "Dalmatian effect"—the trend of acquiring pets based on popular media, which often leads to a surge in animals being surrendered to shelters.

With a goal of understanding the factors influencing pet adoption and mitigating surrender rates, I delved into research conducted by humane societies in both Canada and the United States. My findings revealed a multitude of reasons for pets ending up in shelters, ranging from financial strains to changes in living situations and insufficient pre-adoption research.

Moreover, my research shed light on the inherent challenges of combating human nature. Despite providing ample information, I realized that building sustainable relationships between owners and pets required a focus on education and fostering understanding. This realization became the cornerstone of my design solution, emphasizing the importance of informed decision-making and nurturing lasting connections between pets and their owners.

The Research

The Approach


Within the process of crafting our branding at Argos, my primary focus was to cultivate an atmosphere that is both friendly and upbeat, ensuring that our audience feels welcomed and comfortable engaging with our platform. I aimed to create an immersive experience where our customers could seamlessly access information and actively participate in their journey.

By infusing our branding with warmth and positivity, my objective was to foster a deep sense of belonging and connection among our audience. Each interaction was designed to feel like a friendly exchange, where customers not only receive information but also feel empowered to actively engage with our platform.

In essence, my overarching goal was to establish a platform that embodies hospitality and accessibility, leaving every visitor feeling informed, valued, and inspired after each interaction with Argos.

Business Cards

The Results

The end result of my work was a vibrant and inviting brand that radiated warmth and positivity. By incorporating bubbly fonts, bright colors, and friendly language, I crafted an experience that welcomed people to explore our consultancy services with enthusiasm.

At events like dog shows, I brought the Argos brand to life through a branded booth that served as a hub of activity. Attendees had the opportunity to watch engaging training seminars, observe breeds of dogs demonstrating their unique skills and abilities, and connect with our knowledgeable consultants to begin their journey of finding the perfect dog companion.

To further enhance our presence, I developed a range of merchandise including dog breed pamphlets, business cards, posters, and signage. These materials not only showcased our expertise but also provided valuable resources for pet owners to learn more about different breeds and our consultancy services.

Overall, the end result was a cohesive and dynamic brand experience that invited people to engage with Argos, learn about dog ownership, and embark on a journey to find their ideal furry companion.


Mardis Gras